Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Danny has been in Africa for three days now and I am already loosing my head. It is so hard not to have him here with me and not to be able talk to him. He got to call yesterday just for a minute and I was glad to hear from him and know that he is doing well and doing God's work. It was the best one minute phone call I have ever received. It seems hard to believe we used to have our whole relationship over the phone while I was at school. But still I am still so thankful to have gotten to talk to him and that he has this chance to become the man, (future) husband, and father God intends him to be.
I can't tell if Luke misses Danny or not but I can tell he senses something is wrong with me. I have been trying not to be sad with him and to just enjoy this time I have with him but it's hard. Sometimes he looks at me like Danny does or laughs like him and I sigh because I miss him. But Luke is doing great and growing and learning which is so fun to see.
The more he smiles, the more he laughs, the more he plays, the more I can't get enough of him and the more I am looking forward toward seeing his life and everything he will do.
Even though there are still really hard days and still things I could wish for I am trying to just focus on all the little blessings rather then focus on all the big things that are missing.

1 comment:

  1. glad you got to talk to danny! let me know when you want to get together!
