Monday, June 15, 2009

Optimism and Africa

"The terrible thing, the almost impossible thing,
is the hand over your whole self
--all your wishes and precautions--to Christ."
--Mere Christianity – CS Lewis

I am trying so hard to trust God that he will supply a way out of my mom's house for Luke, Danny, and I. When this will be and how it will come to be still remain a mystery but I am truly optimistic that it will happen sooner then later. As for now I am searching for a bigger apt for my mom and I. I think if I have my own room and a place to retreat to that is all my own I will feel more at home and at peace, my goal is to find a place and be moved by summer's end. By that time Luke will be six months and hopefully Danny will have a full time job.

In other news Danny leaves for Africa for two weeks in less then two weeks! I am so excited for him but it is going to be so hard. I am going to miss him so much! I know that God is going to use this experience to make him an even better dad though and that makes me rest a little easier. These happen to be the two weeks I have no classes for the summer which will make the loneliness I feel now even stronger because Danny won't be here. But I am making plans and trying to fill my time with as many people and outings as I can!

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