Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Danny has been in Africa for three days now and I am already loosing my head. It is so hard not to have him here with me and not to be able talk to him. He got to call yesterday just for a minute and I was glad to hear from him and know that he is doing well and doing God's work. It was the best one minute phone call I have ever received. It seems hard to believe we used to have our whole relationship over the phone while I was at school. But still I am still so thankful to have gotten to talk to him and that he has this chance to become the man, (future) husband, and father God intends him to be.
I can't tell if Luke misses Danny or not but I can tell he senses something is wrong with me. I have been trying not to be sad with him and to just enjoy this time I have with him but it's hard. Sometimes he looks at me like Danny does or laughs like him and I sigh because I miss him. But Luke is doing great and growing and learning which is so fun to see.
The more he smiles, the more he laughs, the more he plays, the more I can't get enough of him and the more I am looking forward toward seeing his life and everything he will do.
Even though there are still really hard days and still things I could wish for I am trying to just focus on all the little blessings rather then focus on all the big things that are missing.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Mackenzie Elizabeth Gossard

Today my little sister Mackenzie turns 11.

I am so proud of the person you are becoming.
I am so happy that you are my sister.
I can not wait to watch you grow up into the person that God is making you into.
I can not wait to see you as an Aunt to Luke.
I Love you,

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Date night!

Tuesday night Danny and I went on our first date night since Luke was born (three months yesterday!) We went to see 'UP' which was really great because I love Disney movies and then went to a Thai place across the street. It was so nice to get to spend time with just Danny. We hardly get to spend time just the two of us and Luke because my mom is always home at night and when we go to his house we hang out with his parents because they don't get to see Luke a lot. Our date really made me feel like a girlfriend again and not just a Mom. It gave us a chance to laugh together, talk about our concerns over Africa and our dreams for the future. Our relationship is growing so much between meeting with Christian, being parents, and focusing on God.

As I mentioned before Luke was three months yesterday. These last few months have been really hard and really fantastic at the same time. A year ago I was planning out my years and never would have put myself here but now I can't imagine my life without Luke. I am so blessed to have him, Danny, and a great support system.

My boys <3

Monday, June 15, 2009

Optimism and Africa

"The terrible thing, the almost impossible thing,
is the hand over your whole self
--all your wishes and precautions--to Christ."
--Mere Christianity – CS Lewis

I am trying so hard to trust God that he will supply a way out of my mom's house for Luke, Danny, and I. When this will be and how it will come to be still remain a mystery but I am truly optimistic that it will happen sooner then later. As for now I am searching for a bigger apt for my mom and I. I think if I have my own room and a place to retreat to that is all my own I will feel more at home and at peace, my goal is to find a place and be moved by summer's end. By that time Luke will be six months and hopefully Danny will have a full time job.

In other news Danny leaves for Africa for two weeks in less then two weeks! I am so excited for him but it is going to be so hard. I am going to miss him so much! I know that God is going to use this experience to make him an even better dad though and that makes me rest a little easier. These happen to be the two weeks I have no classes for the summer which will make the loneliness I feel now even stronger because Danny won't be here. But I am making plans and trying to fill my time with as many people and outings as I can!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Down, Up, and Down again.

Two weeks ago I was feeling the lowest I had since Luke was born. I was feeling really lonely, unloved and unlovable. I had begun to see myself as nothing more then a provider for Luke, not even a mom, just a provider. I was very discouraged and felt really alone even as great as Danny is I just was not in the state of mind to really hear what he was saying to try to help me out. Then I went to a park and just spent time with God, something I had not really done since Luke was born, it was fantastic. I read Genesis 1 and was reminded that I was God's creation. I finally felt defined again, even though I still don't know who I am I do know that I am God's. From then until now things were going uphill. Danny and I were doing really well, meeting with Christian was going great and then last night we got to give our testimony at Danny's church, New Monmouth Baptist. That was a really terrific experience to use our sin to glorify God. I felt really renewed and was so excited I hardly slept last night. And then today came. I went to social services to see about TANF, low income housing, and food stamps. All of which were a no go. TANF you only get till you have a job but while you are on it you need to be involved in an activity for 35 hr a week, not counting school. This doesn't make any sense to me but that's the way it is and right now I don't want a job - if I did I would have one. Low income housing seems impossible to call, call, call until their list is open then wait, wait, wait until something is avaible. And since I am living with my mom I can't get food stamps until I am 22 which doesn't make any sense and which isn't for a year and a half. I feel completely discouraged. All I want is to get married, move out and be the best parents we can for Luke. Maybe I want to much?