Wednesday, October 19, 2011

"God thinks you are wonderful"

This wonderful little book by Max Lucado is one of my favorites. Tonight we read it to Luke and I could not help being choked up when I came to this section. Looking into his face, seeing him feel the love of God, seeing the pure joy of a child....I can't even type this without crying.
"So promise me you'll never forget...that you aren't an accident or an are a gift to the world, a divine work of art, signed by God".... "You were deliberately planner, specifically gifted, and lovingly positioned on this the Master Crafts-Man."

Monday, September 12, 2011

First Day Reflections

I started my student teaching today in a 5th grade classroom in Long Branch. I must say so far it has been pretty good. The class, in comparison to the 5th grade class in Long Branch (different school) that I observed last year, is wonderful. They really seem eager to learn, but I also realize that it is only the second week of school. The teacher seems to have a grasp on things and a high standard for both herself and the students.
The best part of today came around 8:00 ten minutes after the school day began. Naturally, it being the first day of student teaching I was extremely nervous, but as the math lesson progressed I just fell into it. The whole teaching thing (well assistant at this point) came like second nature. It was such a relief, all my butterflies were gone.
I feel so blessed. Not only has God given me the gift of teacher and made it a discernible gift in my life but he has also given me family and friends who were there to support me through continuing my education. The closer I get to graduation the more thankful I am for those around me, especially Danny, and all the sacrificed in allowing me to pursue my dream of teaching...and God's calling in my life.
In short the summary of my feelings on the first day of student teaching: blessed.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Mr. & Mrs. DeLucia

Photos: Amanda Dolly Photography

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Sisterhood Stinks!

I had to write a short story for my short story class...thought I would leave you with it until I return as a DELUCIA! *Sorry the formatting changed, I don't want to re-type it*

Sister sister,

Even though I'm glad to be with ya

I gotta feel what's real for me,

Like you got to do what's right for you

Sister, sister sister,oh

Sister sister!

-Sister Sister Theme Song – Nickelodeon

A bright blue sky greeted you as you walked in, four birdhouses hung in counter balance to one another with a white picket fence below. The overarching yellow sunflowers looked down upon you with love. This was the fateful place.

Pellets flew through the air; a duck and cover mission was underway, anything to avoid being hit. The missiles belonged to my youngest sister, who unfortunately for me was on the side of the older more sinister sister. My little sister was not yet one year old but full of deadly ammunition. I hid under the pillows waiting for a reprieve. The pellets had to run out eventually, yet when I peeked out they were still flying toward me. My older sister manically laughing, a joker grin covered her face. She was the enemy. I had nothing.

Quickly I used the oldest trick in warfare. I took up the pellets fired in my direction and slung them back at her. A duck. A roll. We both knew this had to end eventually. Who would call a truce? I had an ample supply of pellets that had previously belonged to my enemy. Once I was sure that she was running low I decided to make my move. I started bombarding her with pellets. One after another. Hit. Hit. Hit. I could have never anticipated her next move.

The swirls and leaves all around you once brought tranquility forth. The simple beauty of nature greeted you and gave you hope. This place was meant to be filled with peace but was now forever to be remembered for the foul stench of war.

Silently my older sister ducked down, rolled across the war and took up the last remaining ammunition. No, not just the ammunition the whole storage container! The container with the last remaining remnants of pellets and other weapons of war! It came flying toward me. I was too dumbstruck to move. I was paralyzed with the realization of what was coming toward me. I stood there and accepted my fate. It wasn’t long before the war was over and I stood defeated.

My older sister, with a gloating look on her face, picked up the younger and showered her with thankful kisses. She had provided the win, the final blow, which left me to accept my failure. I had miscalculated. I had lost.

There was a heavy consequence for my defeat.

On my hands and knees I went about gathering the fallen ammunition. Placing it for disposal. Gagging over the stench of war. This was to be my place; I was to be reminded of our battle continuously.

At least until my younger sister was potty trained.

*No actual poop was flung in the making of this short story.

Despite what my older sister believes.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

With one month to go...

There is less than one month until Danny and I FINALLY get married. I can't explain how excited I am! This excitement is slightly overshadowed during the day by school work, wedding details, moving and Luke. However it does an excellent job of making sure that I get very little sleep. Over all wedding planning has been going smoothly. I was spoiled by my fabulous bridesmaids with an unbelievable bachelorette and bridal party. Details are being pieced together...slowly. However, I have been virtually stress free --just because I don't have time to dwell. I think God knew what he was doing when I had to take 4 classes over the summer. Most importantly though is instead of being pulled apart by all of the crazy wedding nonsense Danny and I are closer than ever to God and to one another. Life is good.
Oh and Luke is wonderful. God definitely knew what he was doing in Luke his personality and sweetness.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Teacher Appreciation Day

Danny and Luke made me a card for Teacher Appreciation Day.
"Daddy and I are very glad and thankful that you are working hard to be a great teacher for many boys and girls who will be blessed to learn from you. We love you and appreciate you Mommy.
Thank you, with Love,
Your Boys."

Needless to say I cried.
How sweet, it made this whole semester and all the time I had to give up with them worth it.
I am so blessed.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tooting my own horn...and thanking others.

I just finished my thesis paper (though I am sure I will edit it again because it isn't due for two and a half weeks). 16 pages. 6 pages of sources. I feel as if I am the supreme expert on American and German Eugenics relations in the interwar period. Besides that I am really proud of myself, it felt as if I would never get through. 16 pages is not that long of a paper, but working with mostly primary sources you are really digging deep (and a lot of the ones I needed were in German!). It has taken me the whole semester to complete. Now just one more paper and two finals and I'll be home free for a week until summer classes start. 3 months until I am married. 4 and a half until I start student teaching. 8 months until I have finished college with 3 different teaching certifications. What an accomplishment. None of this would be possible though with out the support of my friends, family, and above all God. I am so thankful.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Waiting and Trusting.

Praying and trust God.
Danny and I are applying to a yacht club position that good friends of ours are leaving. We are praying that God will open a door for us there, it would an excellent fit for us. It is hard waiting to hear from the club.
To quote The Sound of Music though "when God closes a door somewhere he opens a window".
Still hoping that the door stays open though!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Two Years Old!

Two years ago God blessed me with a handsome baby boy, more commonly known as Honey Honey Tush Butt Love.

Luke Daniel DeLucia,
I am so thankful that God trusted Daddy and I to be your parents. You have changed our lives and made us better people. I can't wait to see all God has planned for your life.
I love you more each day,

Monday, March 7, 2011

Four years?!?!

This past weekend I went to visit Messiah for the last time (most likely). It was a wonderful weekend, I am truly blessed to have made such great friends in one year at Messiah. A whole basement full of girls! This weekend consisted of a lot of laughter, great conversations, and a whole lot of love. Not only did I get to see some of my favorites this weekend but also came away renewed, as a Mom and as Rebecca, I got to reconnect with myself (mostly my silly side). I also got closer, it was hard to leave Messiah because it was such a special time but this weekend I didn't wish Ihad stayed as I had in the past but was able to appreciate the time I did have there. I am so thankful to have this closer as I get closer to being done school myself.

Here are pictures from the first week of Freshman year:

And here is one from my last weekend at Messiah:

Saturday, February 12, 2011