Monday, March 7, 2011

Four years?!?!

This past weekend I went to visit Messiah for the last time (most likely). It was a wonderful weekend, I am truly blessed to have made such great friends in one year at Messiah. A whole basement full of girls! This weekend consisted of a lot of laughter, great conversations, and a whole lot of love. Not only did I get to see some of my favorites this weekend but also came away renewed, as a Mom and as Rebecca, I got to reconnect with myself (mostly my silly side). I also got closer, it was hard to leave Messiah because it was such a special time but this weekend I didn't wish Ihad stayed as I had in the past but was able to appreciate the time I did have there. I am so thankful to have this closer as I get closer to being done school myself.

Here are pictures from the first week of Freshman year:

And here is one from my last weekend at Messiah:

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