Thursday, August 26, 2010

It seems as if we take one step forward and two step backwards. Danny and I have been engaged for a year now and there is no end in sight for that's very hard to trust in God's timing when your watching time slip through your fingers, Luke will be 18 months and we want him to see his parents together.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Can't catch a break

Luke can't seem to catch a break. After we came home from my day Danny and I were gone for almost 24 hrs from Chris and Amanda's wedding (Hooray!) and went we came home we were welcomed by a sick little boy. Saturday night his fever reached 104 and of corse the doctors office is closed sunday so first thing monday morning we head to the doctor, Luke has a sinus infection. We put him on amoxicilian and low and behold the next day he breaks out in hives! After his third time on amoxicilian he becomes allergic - poor dude, we can only give him benedril which knocks him out. Finally he recovers and now after a short doubt of health he is hit with seasonal allergies and a cold. Hopefully after this we will go back to having a healthy baby boy!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Stressed out...

This week I am at my dads helping with VBS which is from 9-12 at the church (Luke's naptime). I also am working on and practicing saying communion for my friends Amanda and Chris' wedding!!!! Very exciting but stressful. I also still have homework to do, my step-mom's cousins are in from Missouri, and I need to spend time with my family as I rarely get to see them. I am stressed to the max but so thankful for Luke and how easy going he is!! What a blessing to have a son who will play by himself so I can write a paper!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Lots of firsts yesterday.....

Yesterday Luke had lots of first, I don't know what it was about the day but it made for some big smiles, hardy laughs, and one big fright.
Yesterday was the first time I got hurt / sick and had to handle Luke on my own since Danny is working full time now, I pulled a muscle in my chest, I have no idea how, and was having a hard time moving or breathing but Luke was wonderful and played with his cars (his new favorite toy) and wasn't attached at my hip which is his new favorite place to be (BIG SMILES).
Yesterday was the first time Luke shoplifted (BIG LAUGHS). We met my sister at Cracker Barrel and he took this little toy from the dollar section, we discovered it and went back to buy it and the cashier just laughed right along with me.
Yesterday was the first time Luke got into a fender bender (BIG FRIGHT). My mom was driving and someone tapped the bumper but it was hard enough to jolt the car and Luke immediately started crying and my heart immediately stopped. Thank God everyone was fine, Luke was a bit clingy for the rest of the night and wasn't very interested in dinner but is fine.
Needless to say we had enough adventure for one day so today we will be taking it easy and staying out of this heat! *Which I am so over!!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Baby Contest

Just for kicks we entered Luke into a Monmouth County beautiful baby contest here is the picture we entered hopefully an upcoming post will be titled "And the winner is...."

Friday, June 25, 2010


My summer class is over (well monday but I'm excited!!!) I'll still have three online classes but they are so much easier and I can do all my work while Luke naps! This means that I'll have more free time, can go to dinner on the beach!, and the best thing of all I'll get to spend more time with my boys!!
Here are some pictures in no particular order of the summer we have had thus far!

Walk on Sandy Hook with Sarah and Natalie
Luke's first haircut!!!
Philadelphia Zoo with Dan's family - Luke ran away from this picture
Allarie state park with the family
Luke's first time at the beach
his reaction to the waves

Friday, June 18, 2010

Praying, Waiting, and Rejoicing

As you all know we have been praying for almost a year now for Danny to find a full time job and trying the best we can to patiently wait but now we are rejoicing! Danny has found a full time job!!!! I can't describe how happy we are! He starts on Monday and yesterday after hearing the news we had such a great day, his carefree attitude was back and it was so refreshing. Thank you all for the prayers and support over the last year! Now hopefully I'll be more attentive to this blog, I had felt bad just complaining each entry but hopefully now our lives will have a bit more hope! Thank God!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Messiah...and home again.

This past weekend I got a chance to go and visit Messiah for the weekend! I was so excited to go, though a little scared because this was my first weekend away from Luke. It was a fantastic weekend filled with fantastic people! I love love love my friends at the school, they mean so much to me! I have not laughed that much in a long time!
Part of it was really hard for me because I had to go back and basically experience what I am missing because of having Luke, but at the same time I couldn't help but realize how grateful I am for Luke and that I wouldn't change a thing. This was really important for me because sometimes I get really bitter that my life plans got cancelled. It is hard for me to admit but then I get to see Luke and his smile when I walked in after a long weekend and it made all the sacrifices worth it.
Coming home was hard though, I hadn't seen Danny since Thursday and got to spend 30mins with him before he had to head home to sleep. My mom just started on about what he should have been doing over the weekend, I was just happy to see him and she started on. It was a hard reality that I don't get to be with him, and our decisions as a family are being judged by her, our decisions in our relationship are being judged by her, and there is not escaping it, she is there, it is not even like we have to confront it when we visit but all the time. It is a really hard way to form a healthy relationship, and be good parents. We are trying to be postive but it is beginning to get wearing and I am beginning to wonder why our prayers our not being answered...

Friday, April 9, 2010

Sister for Hire!!

Visit to see pictures for my sister Caitlin's cakes and cupcakes! Not only are they beautiful but really delicious!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Crappy Day...

This mornig Caiti and I went out head to chruch to help with an easter egg hunt and stations of the cross. And low and behold we found a big pile of poop smeared into my back drivers side seat. Someone opened my car door (which I forgot to lock) went through my glove compartment and center consule (didn't take anything, not like there was anything to take) and then pooped, alot, on my seat and smeared it in. Then to top it off wiped with Luke's new outfit! Needless to say today was a crappy day!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Luke Daniel DeLucia turns one!!!

Hard to believe that it has been a year! Luke has grown so much and is continuing to grow, everyday he learns something new! He is such a blessing and joy to be around and reminds me everyday that I am loved!
Here are some of my favorite things about Luke:
  • He senses when people are upset and does cute things to make them feel better like kissing them, bringing them teddy bears, or laughing in their face.
  • He loves books and will bring you one and sit down next to you until you read it.
  • He smiles so big every time we go outside, even if it is raining or snowing!
  • He knows what he wants and knows he is cute enough to get it!
  • He cuddles when he first wakes up.
  • He smiles whenever his Daddy walks in the room, even if he just went to the bathroom.
  • He will walk right up to you to make friends and win your heart in a second.
  • He stares out the window longer then he will watch cartoons.
  • He gets excited to eat his banana every morning.
  • He swims in the tub and actually listens when I say 'tush in the tub'.
  • He loves animals and even though I don't I love his love for them!
  • He hides things everywhere!
  • He kisses me when I ask... well most of the time.
  • He loves when Danny and I have fun with one another but cries when I tickle Danny, I think his little girl squeal scares him!
  • He watches people and is very inquisitive.
  • He makes a huge mess but will help you clean it up!
  • He vacuums for me!
  • He is sweet to other kids.
  • He snorts :)
I could go on forever......

For his birthday we went to Holmdel park with Oma (my mom) and Aunt Lisa. Luke loved it! Here are some pictures from our day and the cake!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Dress Up!

Luke had his first dress-up session. But no he was not a fireman, policeman, even a mailman. He was a ballerina, Lilo (from Lilo and Stitch), and a Native American. Here are some pictures from his adventure. *I am not responsible for this, this is what happens when your son spends a day with his three aunts*

Sorry they are sideways!!

Monday, February 15, 2010


Danny and I have decided to postpone the wedding. As much as we want to get married we want Luke to have a good life, and without a stable job we can't offer that to him. We decided to plan out everything and then once he gets a job we will set a date about three months after. We are trusting that in God's time he will provide for us and until that time we are going to work on our relationship and just enjoy our time with Luke. It is a hard decision to make but it is for the best. There are a lot of things going on in my family right now also though so we need to reduce the stress on them. A wedding should be a joyous thing not a stressful matter. Please keep praying that Danny finds a job and please pray for my family.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Luke took an early nap so I took a long shower and used up all the hot water! Now I am sitting in my underwear drinking tea and watching The Office online. Happy Valentine's Day Rebecca!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Ups and downs

We have found a hall, church, caterer, photographer, DJ, Videographer, and dress for the wedding! And they are all available June 5th! Oh I want to jump for joy! But then I realize wait we still don't have a place to live, we still don't have a full time job with benefits but we do have an amazing little boy who will be one in March who needs his mom and dad together, but also needs health insurance and food. I want to trust God and set the date but I am so scared that things won't pan out. Then what? My mom won't let us live with her. Live with Danny's parents? I just want a little security. A job w/ benefits. We can live on one salary, we can live on next to nothing, I grew up like that, we don't need coffee dates or cable TV but we do need to be together as a family.
Please pray, for a solution, for peace, for our family.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Psalm 6

1 O LORD, do not rebuke me in your anger

or discipline me in your wrath.

2 Be merciful to me, LORD, for I am faint;

O LORD, heal me, for my bones are in agony.

3 My soul is in anguish.

How long, O LORD, how long?

4 Turn, O LORD, and deliver me;

save me because of your unfailing love.

5 No one remembers you when he is dead.

Who praises you from the grave?

6 I am worn out from groaning;

all night long I flood my bed with weeping

and drench my couch with tears.

7 My eyes grow weak with sorrow;

they fail because of all my foes.

8 Away from me, all you who do evil,

for the LORD has heard my weeping.

9 The LORD has heard my cry for mercy;

the LORD accepts my prayer.

10 All my enemies will be ashamed and dismayed;

they will turn back in sudden disgrace.

Monday, January 25, 2010

With a VERY busy semester ahead of me, a wedding to plan, and a little guy getting his molars it goes without saying that I am exhausted. But yet I have this yearning desire to dive into a solid relationship with someone, to really invest.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Christmas update ( a little late!)

Christmas was wonderful! I love Christmas and having my own family makes it that much better! I can't wait till next year when we are in our own house and we can really start our own traditions. Luke could have cared less but my little social butterfly loved seeing everyone. He is completely like me when it comes to people, he loves them! We had quite a few Christmas's and here is one picture from each!
Christmas Morning Party
Christmas Eve
TT Tammy and Justin
Christmas Morning with his shoe box!
Christmas night at my Aunts
Christmas Morning with Aunt Caiti (12/26)
Christmas at Gigi and Poppi's (12/28)

Five Generations in Ohio! Luke, myself, Poppi, Nana, and Grandma and Grandpa Myers
(Luke's Great Great Grandparents! 90 yrs old and still making dirty jokes!)

Other than Christmas life has been busy planning our wedding! We still don't have a definite date, a full time job for Danny, or a place to live but we are trusting God!!! It is very exciting and we know that we are doing the right thing so God will provide!