Monday, June 18, 2012

When your husband steps out in Faith..

Danny is going on a missions trip to New Orleans in just three weeks! And we found I am so excited for this opportunity but he will be missing our one year anniversary,  thankfully I can rest easy knowing that there will be many more but there just seems to be something special about the mile stone of one year of marriage. I trust that God has amazing plans for him and the team in LA now I just need some help trusting that God will give me peace (and patience with Luke).

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Dear God:

Luke has never been a good sleeper; ever. With the baby coming we have started to attempt to get him to sleep through the night - every bit counts! We told him that we wouldn't be coming in to help him get back to sleep cause now he was a big boy and big brother but we added that God is always with him so that he didn't feel alone. I heard him crying out a few times over the last week but he has been pretty good. He got a cold and I thought the whole thing was going to go out the window but last night I heard this: "Dear God, can I please sit in your lap and you sing me a song like mommy does? The one about Grace. Mommy said you are there and love me so I think you should say yes." After that he was back asleep and I was wide awake thinking about how amazing it was to hear this and reflecting on what it really means to have "FAITH LIKE A CHILD"

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


I am only 16 weeks and already I want nothing more than to smush my new smush.

Luke had a play date this afternoon and it was so nice to not have to watch them, as long we heard giggles we knew all was right with the world. Some parts of him being 3 are so nice.

Sunday, April 22, 2012


This morning after making breakfast with Luke, him vacuuming the floor around his chair and reading Mickey Mouse a book he did something even more adorable. I got into the shower and stepped on something rather sharp, giving a yell Luke came running in and said 'don't worry Mommy I'm here.' I put the toy dinosaur into the bucket and thought all was said and done. But Luke reached into the bucket and said 'Mommy this dino is in trouble! He should no have scared you that's not nice...I'll put him in Time-Out don't worry.' He then proceeded to ask the dino how old he was because it's a minute per year, the dino was three. I heard him giving a 'stern' talking to to the dino about scaring people who aren't playing the same game.

It's nice to know that somethings we say get into his head!!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Big Changes

God's plans for our family were bigger than ours.
We are a excited bunch to be welcome Baby Butt #2 into our clan of misfits come 10-11-12!

Monday, January 2, 2012


Wondering where I disappeared too? Answer: I sank into student teaching. Worth it? Ten fold.
Over the last months I have not only be confirmed in my calling as a teacher but also shaped into the women God has always intended me to be: One of bold faith, unyielding compassion, a gracious attitude, and perhaps the most important development for me as an individual a women of complete trust. While I am still plagued by my A-type personality I am willing to trust that God's plan is best and more complete than any of mine could ever be. (It only took me 23 years to realize this! DUH!) I still plan, budget, and logically analyze nearly every situation but I have learned that no matter how much I plan things happen. This has been becoming more and more obvious to me over the last month between lesson plans and just every day life. Each night I find myself in deep thanksgiving for the ways I have learned to trust God that day rather than falling to sleep with a questioning spirit. It has been truly amazing. Now upon entering 2012 I find myself trust God more each day with the large and the small, and as this is happening my outlook on life, family, and myself have changed. Who knew that dealing with a bunch of hormonal 9-11 year olds would have such a lasting effect on me?