Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Messiah...and home again.

This past weekend I got a chance to go and visit Messiah for the weekend! I was so excited to go, though a little scared because this was my first weekend away from Luke. It was a fantastic weekend filled with fantastic people! I love love love my friends at the school, they mean so much to me! I have not laughed that much in a long time!
Part of it was really hard for me because I had to go back and basically experience what I am missing because of having Luke, but at the same time I couldn't help but realize how grateful I am for Luke and that I wouldn't change a thing. This was really important for me because sometimes I get really bitter that my life plans got cancelled. It is hard for me to admit but then I get to see Luke and his smile when I walked in after a long weekend and it made all the sacrifices worth it.
Coming home was hard though, I hadn't seen Danny since Thursday and got to spend 30mins with him before he had to head home to sleep. My mom just started on about what he should have been doing over the weekend, I was just happy to see him and she started on. It was a hard reality that I don't get to be with him, and our decisions as a family are being judged by her, our decisions in our relationship are being judged by her, and there is not escaping it, she is there, it is not even like we have to confront it when we visit but all the time. It is a really hard way to form a healthy relationship, and be good parents. We are trying to be postive but it is beginning to get wearing and I am beginning to wonder why our prayers our not being answered...

Friday, April 9, 2010

Sister for Hire!!

Visit to see pictures for my sister Caitlin's cakes and cupcakes! Not only are they beautiful but really delicious!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Crappy Day...

This mornig Caiti and I went out head to chruch to help with an easter egg hunt and stations of the cross. And low and behold we found a big pile of poop smeared into my back drivers side seat. Someone opened my car door (which I forgot to lock) went through my glove compartment and center consule (didn't take anything, not like there was anything to take) and then pooped, alot, on my seat and smeared it in. Then to top it off wiped with Luke's new outfit! Needless to say today was a crappy day!