Monday, February 15, 2010


Danny and I have decided to postpone the wedding. As much as we want to get married we want Luke to have a good life, and without a stable job we can't offer that to him. We decided to plan out everything and then once he gets a job we will set a date about three months after. We are trusting that in God's time he will provide for us and until that time we are going to work on our relationship and just enjoy our time with Luke. It is a hard decision to make but it is for the best. There are a lot of things going on in my family right now also though so we need to reduce the stress on them. A wedding should be a joyous thing not a stressful matter. Please keep praying that Danny finds a job and please pray for my family.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Luke took an early nap so I took a long shower and used up all the hot water! Now I am sitting in my underwear drinking tea and watching The Office online. Happy Valentine's Day Rebecca!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Ups and downs

We have found a hall, church, caterer, photographer, DJ, Videographer, and dress for the wedding! And they are all available June 5th! Oh I want to jump for joy! But then I realize wait we still don't have a place to live, we still don't have a full time job with benefits but we do have an amazing little boy who will be one in March who needs his mom and dad together, but also needs health insurance and food. I want to trust God and set the date but I am so scared that things won't pan out. Then what? My mom won't let us live with her. Live with Danny's parents? I just want a little security. A job w/ benefits. We can live on one salary, we can live on next to nothing, I grew up like that, we don't need coffee dates or cable TV but we do need to be together as a family.
Please pray, for a solution, for peace, for our family.