Monday, September 14, 2009

Over the last two days I keep hearing different people say things to the extent of "if you feel God calling you do something just do it and let him worry about the details." My heart is so torn. I know it is God's desire for Danny and I to get married because it would enable us to be better parents to Luke. For me though part of marriage is establishing a household. A few people have told us to get married and just live in different houses, I don't believe this would really change anything. Other people have suggested getting married and staying with our parents still. I don't think my mom would be comfortable with this or myself for that matter. Which leaves the option of moving out and starting our own home. This would be the best possible thing for us right now. However in my rational mind I know it is next near impossible. Danny does not have a full time job, UPS would not provide enough money for rent and all the other necessities, and I stress necessities, I know we won't be living it up. I am looking into getting a part-time job just to have some cash flow but even still it would not cover living. The other part of me keeps hearing God say in subtle ways, "just do it and trust me." The truth is I wish I could. It is not that I don't trust God it is just a matter of how much I can. I'm sure people would think we were crazy moving out without full time jobs. We would loose benefits and so many earthly things, but isn't it worth it? I know marriage is best for Luke and for Danny and I's relationship. I am so torn. Please pray for clarity for me and if you have any advice I would love to here it, maybe it can shed a light on what / where we should go next.


  1. do what your heart wants, don't listen to your brain. since when has reason ever done anyone any good? you both are smart and determined individuals and i know you'd find a way to make it work, plus I and I'm sure many of your other friends would be more than willing to help you out along the way. if you really want to move out, then do it. what's the worst that can happen? you have to move back in with your mom? well at least you could say it worked for a little while then. it never hurts to try. =] i love you mama

  2. Even though it's been awhile, I want you to know that I too will always be there for you. Maybe there's no need to rush! Even though I haven't seen you in quite sometime, I can tell that you are a wonderful mother to Luke. Does a paper saying that you two are legally married really make all the difference? I see you three as already being a family. Also, with the cost of rent and taxes in New Jersey, unless you both had stable incomes it would be very difficult to pay for a home and take care of your lovely son! I understand why lisa says to listen to your heart, but you have to look at what's best for your darling baby boy. Anyway! Half the fun of getting married is planning the wedding, why rush? You deserve a fairy-tale wedding, in the most beautiful of churches with a beautiful Cinderella gown that shows off the beauty inside. You deserve the whole kit and caboodle, the princess for a day, the honeymoon(in Disney World of course) and you and Danny could wear those mouse ears we did. You deserve the world, so why do anything that you feel any discomfort in doing? Either way, whatever you decide, just please remember that I will never stop believing in you, or caring about you Rebecca.

    With love,
