Monday, January 2, 2012


Wondering where I disappeared too? Answer: I sank into student teaching. Worth it? Ten fold.
Over the last months I have not only be confirmed in my calling as a teacher but also shaped into the women God has always intended me to be: One of bold faith, unyielding compassion, a gracious attitude, and perhaps the most important development for me as an individual a women of complete trust. While I am still plagued by my A-type personality I am willing to trust that God's plan is best and more complete than any of mine could ever be. (It only took me 23 years to realize this! DUH!) I still plan, budget, and logically analyze nearly every situation but I have learned that no matter how much I plan things happen. This has been becoming more and more obvious to me over the last month between lesson plans and just every day life. Each night I find myself in deep thanksgiving for the ways I have learned to trust God that day rather than falling to sleep with a questioning spirit. It has been truly amazing. Now upon entering 2012 I find myself trust God more each day with the large and the small, and as this is happening my outlook on life, family, and myself have changed. Who knew that dealing with a bunch of hormonal 9-11 year olds would have such a lasting effect on me?