Monday, July 19, 2010

Stressed out...

This week I am at my dads helping with VBS which is from 9-12 at the church (Luke's naptime). I also am working on and practicing saying communion for my friends Amanda and Chris' wedding!!!! Very exciting but stressful. I also still have homework to do, my step-mom's cousins are in from Missouri, and I need to spend time with my family as I rarely get to see them. I am stressed to the max but so thankful for Luke and how easy going he is!! What a blessing to have a son who will play by himself so I can write a paper!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Lots of firsts yesterday.....

Yesterday Luke had lots of first, I don't know what it was about the day but it made for some big smiles, hardy laughs, and one big fright.
Yesterday was the first time I got hurt / sick and had to handle Luke on my own since Danny is working full time now, I pulled a muscle in my chest, I have no idea how, and was having a hard time moving or breathing but Luke was wonderful and played with his cars (his new favorite toy) and wasn't attached at my hip which is his new favorite place to be (BIG SMILES).
Yesterday was the first time Luke shoplifted (BIG LAUGHS). We met my sister at Cracker Barrel and he took this little toy from the dollar section, we discovered it and went back to buy it and the cashier just laughed right along with me.
Yesterday was the first time Luke got into a fender bender (BIG FRIGHT). My mom was driving and someone tapped the bumper but it was hard enough to jolt the car and Luke immediately started crying and my heart immediately stopped. Thank God everyone was fine, Luke was a bit clingy for the rest of the night and wasn't very interested in dinner but is fine.
Needless to say we had enough adventure for one day so today we will be taking it easy and staying out of this heat! *Which I am so over!!